Free at Last, or Are We?<br>by Sandra L. Frankel<br>(Rochester, NY)

Free at Last, or Are We?
by Sandra L. Frankel
(Rochester, NY)

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Framed Photography

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C. honors his leadership and sacrifice in the fight for equal rights for African Americans. The passage of the Civil Rights Laws of the 1960s gave hope for a brighter future, but racism has continued with a vengeance, inciting discrimination, bias and violence. We still have much work to do. This image conveys the unsettled state-of-affairs as we strive to achieve King’s dream of respect, dignity, opportunity, equality/equity, and safety for all.


Protecting the environment, ending the Covid-19 pandemic, and addressing racism and discrimination are the major challenges of our time. The pandemic and scourge of racism have exacerbated income inequality and homelessness. Side-by-side sit an industrial refinery and docked pleasure boats in Los Angeles Harbor. They draw a stark contrast between the towering smokestacks that add to our carbon footprint and age-old clean, sustainable energy of wind that powers sailboats. As Artic ice rapidly melts, millions of acres burn more often, and climate migration increases, there are those who do not see Climate Change as an existential threat and instead deny science or put profits over people. But there is hope. Covid-19 vaccinations are underway. We are now talking openly about reforms to curb racism and address the causes of homelessness. We have rejoined the world consensus via the Paris Climate Accords. We can right these wrongs, but it will take political and personal will to do it.

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