The Low-to-No Choice
American Girl Doll
Teri Gandy-Richardson (Brooklyn, NY)
Levi's Denim Scraps, 14” W x 37” H x 14 D
Disturbing are the consequences of rulings that force birth for women— and girls.
Greatly affected are the agency, voice, physical, mental and fiscal health for current, and future generations. So, if we are blessed with the growing benefit of technology, science and history, why do law makers and established systems keep failing our girls, their futures and ultimately the women that we’ve become? And when will we get it right— for good?
The Low-to-No Choice American Girl Doll is a clear and simple commentary made of Levi’s denim, it has been handsewn and stuffed with various scraps from Levi’s denim jeans. Inspired by Russian nesting dolls, where one doll is hidden inside the other, these denim dolls do the same. The main doll sits on a white wooden child’s chair. Her baby is accessed by button-fly opening. The third doll is accessed from the horizontal zipper of doll number 2. Both small dolls bungee towards a distant ethereal prayer pillow swing that’s not quite aligned.
Artist Statement:
Although I identify as an abstract painter, I’ve been making denim art in 2- and 3-dimensions, since 2005. As an artist, yoga teacher, breast cancer survivor, and African American woman, I believe that it's the ripped and weathered bits of us that stretch us to tell our stories, and mark our meaningful events.
From the We're Doing It ALL Wrong® - 4th Annual Art Exhibition